
Davide Banis

Kinder World Publisher

As publisher, Davide oversees Kinder's content strategy. He takes care of content management, media partnerships, and business development. When he grows up, he wants to be a superhero.

LinkedInArticles by Davide

Ruta Butkute

Junior Content Manager

Ruta is a recent graduate of a liberal arts university with with an interest in race studies and intersectionality. While pondering the utility of her degree in the real world, Ruta is also busy with writing articles for the Kinder World platform and helping devise a social media strategy.

LinkedIn - Articles by Ruta

Jasmine Adams

Junior Research Analyst

Jasmine is a British born public policy masters student at UvA, working on finding solutions, impact analysis and fueled by critical thinking and iced hazelnut lattes.

LinkedIn - Articles by Jasmine

Tanisha Keil 

Junior Research Analyst & Junior Content Writer

Tanisha is an International Development student at the UvA and a passionate advocate for gender equality. Her talents include making pancakes and singing in the shower. At kinder, she is one of our research and operations interns.

LinkedIn - Articles by Tanisha

Morgana Chess

Junior Operation Assistant & Junior Content Creator

As an English Literature student from Birmingham, Morgana is interested in all things media and believes that books, television and education have the power to change the world. She now puts her reading and writing skills to good use as a operations intern for Kinder, writing some Kinder World articles as well. Passionate about the environment, she shows her commitment to anti-food waste by munching through the snacks of the Kinder Office.

LinkedIn - Articles by Morgana

Safiya Bashir

Kinder World intern

Safiya is currently studying for her MSc in International Development at the University of Amsterdam. As a keen writer, she contributes to Kinder World as well as doing some research on the side. Besides interning for Kinder, Safiya works as a freelance writer for The Investment Observer.
