The place for all the people interested in the world of doing good. And in doing it better.More about Kinder
Kinder is a donation platform that evaluates charities
You may worry about where money goes when you donate—that's where we come in. We evaluate every charity on the platform to make sure they’re being effective, so you can have confidence in your donation’s impact, and give with your heart.
Discover an ecosystem of charities solving world problems faster, and donate in just a few clicks.
Let’s do good, better: as a community.
Analysis of organisations based on transparency and accountability and custom advice based on results.
Impactful stories
Kinder deeply cares about our planet. We share stories that radiate kindness in order to inspire and empower others to pay it forward.
Tech for good
Online fundraising tools that make donating an effortless process and an ingrained habit.
Helping you do good, better
Join the Kinder revolution and start making an effective, powerful difference with us.