Bibliography: Kinder Appeals

The appeals are listed in alphabetical order.

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 Accessible healthcare for all

  1. World Economic Forum - These are the 10 biggest global health threats of the decade (link)
  2. Macquarie University - Complexity Science in Healthcare (whitepaper)
  3. Studying complexity in health services research: desperately seeking an overdue paradigm shift (research paper)
  4. Pricing of pharmaceuticals is becoming a major challenge for health systems (research paper)
  5. Datamining in drug discovery and design (book)
  6. Improving and Accelerating Therapeutic Development for Nervous System Disorders (report)
  7. Household saving during pregnancy and facility delivery in Zambia: a cross-sectional study (research paper)
  8. Reducing debt improves psychological functioning and changes decision-making in the poor (research paper)
  9. WHO - Access to medicines: making market forces serve the poor (link)
  10. New study from the Foundation analyses 10 years of data on pharma companies and access to medicine (article)
  11. The Global Fund - Accelerating the end of AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria as epidemics
  12. The Global Vaccines Alliance (link)
  13. 12 Innovations That Will Change Health Care and Medicine in the 2020s (article)
  14. WHO - Innovation, Access and Use (link)
  15. Innovative Approaches to Increase Access to Medicines in Developing Countries (research paper)
  16. Improving Access to Medicines in Low and Middle-Income Countries: Corporate Responsibilities in Context (research paper)

Better Treatment for Animals

  1. - Animal Welfare (link)
  2. Information Could Reduce Consumer Demand for Exotic Pets (research paper)
  3. Animal welfare and efficient farming: is conflict inevitable? (research paper)
  4. Zoo Animal Welfare (research paper)
  5. What is Animal Welfare and why is it important? (link)
  6. Institutional transparency improves public perception of lab animal technicians and support for animal research (research paper)
  7. DoSomething - 11 facts about animal cruelty (link)
  8. World Animal Protection - 7 Animal Cruelty Facts And What You Can Do to Change The Statistics (link)
  9. - 37 Deeply Disturbing Animal Abuse Statistics & Facts (link)
  10. PETA - Aquariums and Marine Parks (link)
  11. Animal welfare and efficient farming: is conflict inevitable? (research paper)
  12. Global Trade in Exotic Pets 2006–2012 (research paper)
  13. The Supply Chain’s Role in Improving Animal Welfare (research paper)
  14. Best practice framework for animal welfare certification schemes (research paper)
  15. Practical strategies for improving farm animal welfare: an information resource (research paper)
  16. Improving Animal Welfare, 2nd Edition: A Practical Approach (book)

Covid-19 Relief

  1. European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control - COVID-19 situation update worldwide, as of 5 October 2020 (link)
  2. Economic and social consequences of human mobility restrictions under COVID-19 (research paper)
  3. Human Rights Watch - Covid-19 Fueling Anti-Asian Racism and Xenophobia Worldwide (link)
  4. Even with coronavirus restrictions, deadly violence continues to rise in Mexico (article
  5. A New Covid-19 Crisis: Domestic Abuse Rises Worldwide (article)
    • 6 months of coronavirus lockdown could mean 31 million more cases of domestic violence, UN says (article)
    • OECD - Tourism Policy Responses to the coronavirus (COVID-19) (link)
    • United Nations - COVID-19: impact could cause equivalent of 195 million job losses, says ILO chief (link)
    • The Mental Health Consequences of COVID-19 and Physical Distancing (research paper)
    • The pandemic paradox: The consequences of COVID‐19 on domestic violence (research paper
    • The Short-Term Economic Consequences of Covid-19: Exposure to Disease, Remote Work and Government Response (research paper
    • COVID-19 pandemic and economic cost: impact on forcibly displaced people (research paper)

    Crisis Relief Worldwide

    1. Encyclopedia of Disaster Relief, Volume 2 (book)
    2. Disaster - Biological Threat (link
    3. Australian Government - Communities and vulnerable people: Emergency Relief (link)
    4. Emergency relief logistics: an evaluation of military, non-military and composite response models (research paper
    5. Government of the Netherlands - Emergency Aid and Humanitarian Diplomacy (link
    6. United Nations - Deliver Humanitarian Aid (link
    7. WHO - Strengthen Humanitarian Relief Work (link
    8. European Commission - Humanitarian Aid (link
    9. WHO - Humanitarian Heath Action (link
    10. United Nations - Deliver Humanitarian Aid (link
    11. Borgen Project - 9 Facts About Humanitarian Aid (link)
    12. Devinit - Global Humanitarian Assistance, 2017) (report)
    13. Devinit - Global Humanitarian Assistance, 2018 (report
    14. Reliefweb - South Sudan Crisis Factsheet, 2020 (fact sheet
    15. UK AID - Syria Crisis Response, 2020 (report

    Dignified Lives for Displaced People

    1. WHO - Displaced People (link
    2. UNHCR - Environmental refugees: myth or reality? (working paper
    3. UNHCR - Environmental concerns during refugee operations (link)
    4. The unmet needs of refugees and internally displaced people (research paper
    5. Gendered and Racialised Border Security: Displaced People and the Politics of Fear (research paper)
    6. Perceived discrimination of displaced people in development-induced displacement and resettlement: The role of integration (research paper
    7. Post-traumatic stress disorder in internally displaced people of Colombia: An ecological study (research paper
    8. COVID-19 pandemic and economic cost; impact on forcibly displaced people (research paper
    9. UNHCR - Refugee Operations and Environmental Management (report
    10. Internal Displacement Monitoring Center - Country Profiles (link)
    11. Internal Displacement Monitoring Center - Internal Displacement Index 2020 (report
    12. COVID-19 pandemic and economic cost; impact on forcibly displaced people (research paper)
    13. UNHCR - Refugee Health (link
    14. Bibliometric analysis of medicine-related publications on refugees, asylum-seekers, and internally displaced people: 2000 – 2015 (research paper)

    Empowering youth for a better future

    1. World Bank - Investing in Youth Empowerment and Inclusion: A Social Development Approach Insights from the ECA and LAC regions (report

    2. UNFPA - Youth Participation & Leadership (link

    3. OECD - Youth Engagement and Empowerment (link

    4. OECD - Youth Inclusion (link

    5. Rural youth inclusion, empowerment and participation (report

    6. Towards Social Inclusion of Young People in the EU (research paper)

    7. Eurostat - Young People: Social Inclusion (link

    8. Inter-Parliamentary Union - Data on Youth Participation (link

    9. United Nations - World Youth Report 2030 (report

    10. Impact of Youth Empowerment of Scheme on Poverty Alleviation in Nigeria (research paper

    Equal opportunity for people with disabilities 

    1. Common Barriers to Participation Experienced by People with Disabilities (link)
    2. Defining and researching disability: Challenges and Responses (research paper
    3. WHO - International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (link)
    4. A scoping review of the experiences, benefits, and challenges involved in volunteer work among youth and young adults with a disability (research paper
    5. “When everything changes:” Parent perspectives on the challenges of accessing care for a child with a disability (research report
    6. Inclusive education in higher education: challenges and opportunities (research paper
    7. Challenges, Barriers, and Opportunities: Social Workers With Disabilities and Experiences in Field Education (research paper
    8. Promoting employment among people with disabilities: Challenges and solutions (research report)
    9. Facilitating employment opportunities for adults with intellectual and developmental disability through parents and social networks (research paper
    10. Adults with Communication Disabilities Experience Poorer Health and Healthcare Outcomes Compared to Persons Without Communication Disabilities (research paper
    11. Maternal Healthcare Experiences of and Challenges for Women with Physical Disabilities in Low and Middle-Income Countries: A Review of Qualitative Evidence (research paper
    12. The Commonwealth Fund - Creating Better Systems of Care for Adults with Disabilities: Lessons for Policy and Practice (link
    13. Eurostat - Disability statistics - poverty and income inequalities (link
    14. Worldbank - Disability Inclusion (link
    15. Disability and Social Exclusion in the European Union: Time for change, tools for change (research report
    16. Disability and Social Inclusion (research paper

     Fighting Poverty

    1. United Nations - No Poverty (infographic
    2. Global Extreme Poverty (link)
    3. The Sustainable Development Goals, 2019 (report)  
    4. Worldbank - Poverty and Inequality (link
    5. Worldbank - Year in review, 2019 (link)
    6. Worldbank - Nearly Half the World Lives on Less than $5.50 a Day (link
    7. United Nations - No Poverty (link)
    8. United Nations - No Poverty (infographic
    9. UNDDR - Poverty & Death: Disaster mortality 1996-2015 (report
    10. United Nations - SDG 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere (link
    11. UNICEF - Child Poverty (link
    12. World Hunger - Facts and statistics (link
    13. Sustainable Development Goals - Sustained and inclusive economic growth (link
    14. United Nations - Decent Work and Economic Growth (link
    15. United Nations - International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (link
    16. United Nations - Employment and Decent Work (link
    17. United Nations - Social Inclusion (link)
    18. United Nations - Inequality (link)
    19. Reliefweb - The top 9 causes of global poverty (press release
    20. Worldbank - Going Above And Beyond To End Poverty: New Ways Of Measuring Poverty Shed New Light On The Challenges Ahead (link

    Other sources: 

    • Worldbank: an online analysis tool for global poverty monitoring (research report
    • Worldbank: Poverty and Equity Data (link
    • United Nations - No Poverty Indicators (link
    • United Nations - Ending Poverty (link)
    • Worldbank - measuring poverty (link
    • Worldbank Blogs - The number of extremely poor people continues to rise in Sub-Saharan Africa (link
    • Our World in Data - As the world’s poorest economies are stagnating half a billion are expected to be in extreme poverty in 2030 (link

    Improving Water, Sanitation and Hygiene

    1. United Nations - Human Rights to Water and Sanitation (link)  

    2. Obstacles to WASH  (report)

    3. United Nations - Mortality rate attributable to unsafe water, sanitation and hygiene (unsafe WASH services) (link)

    4. Gender Differences Related to WASH in Schools and Educational Efficiency (research paper

    5. Understanding empowerment in water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH): a scoping review (research report

    6. Water, sanitation and hygiene for the prevention of diarrhoea (research paper

    7. Diarrhoea Remains Leading Cause of Global Mortality and Morbidity (link

    8. Center for Disease Control and Prevention - Global WASH Fast Facts (link

    9. WHO & Unicef - wash data (link

    10. United Nations - Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (link

    11. Worldbank - Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (report

    12. Unicef - About WASH (link

    13. Handbook on Water Security - Chapter 12: Human security and access to water, sanitation, and hygiene: exploring the drivers and nexus (book

    14. Sustainable Development Goals - Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for all Initiative (link

    15. A long way to go – Estimates of combined water, sanitation and hygiene coverage for 25 sub-Saharan African countries (research paper

    Protecting Children, protecting our future

    1. OHCHR - Declaration of the Rights of the Child (declaration)  

    2. United Nations - Children (link

    3. The Fundamental Role of Science and Technology in International Development: An Imperative for the U.S. Agency for International Development, 2006 (research paper

    4. WHO - How can violence against children be prevented? (link

    5. WHO - What are the key health dangers for children? (link)

    6. The Fundamental Role of Science and Technology in International Development: An Imperative for the U.S. Agency for International Development - Chapter 2 (research paper

    7. WHO - Clinical Trials in Children (link)

    Providing Education for All

    1. United Nations - Goal 4 (link

    2. Education, Conflict and International Development (research paper

    3. United Nations - Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all (link

    4. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation - Why education matters to health (link

    5. The importance of education on disasters and emergencies: A review article (research paper

    6. Carbon Brief - Education is “top priority” for climate change adaptation (article

    7. Education and International Development: An Introduction (book

    8. UN warns universal education goal will fail without 69 million new teachers (article)

    9. Unicef - Introduction: Disabilities (link

    10. Education cannot wait - 75 million crisis-affected children are in urgent need of education support (link

    11. ACLU - Students with Disabilities Are Pushed Out of School in Many Ways (article

    12. Global Partnership Education - Results 2020 (report)

    13. Equitable and Quality Education for All of Africa? The Challenges of Using ict in Education (research paper

    14. Worldbank - Education: Overview (link

    15. Worldbank Blogs - Educational challenges and opportunities of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic (link

    16. Worldbank - Education (link

    17. UNESCO Digital Library - The World needs almost 69 million new teachers to reach the 2030 Education goals (report

    18. The teacher shortage is real, large and growing, and worse than we thought (report

    19. Cultivating Professional Learning Partnerships in Tasmania (research paper

    20. The Emerging Landscape of Student–Staff Partnerships in Higher Education (research paper

    21. ‘Beyond 2015’, within the modern/colonial global imaginary? Global development and higher education (research paper

    22. Community Engagement for Improving Quality of Education in the Developing World (policy brief

    23. Connections Count. Improving Family and Community Involvement in Secondary Schools (research paper

    24. United Nations - Millenium Goal 2: Achieve Universal Primary Education (link

    Solving the Climate Crisis 

    1. NASA - Climat Change: How do we know? (link

    2. United Nations - Climate Change (link

    3. NASA - Is it too late to prevent climate change (link

    4. NASA - Effects of Climate change (link

    5. European Union - Climate Change Consequences (link

    6. WHO - Climate Change (link

    7. NASA - Video: Global warming from 1880 to 2019 (video

    8. WHO - Climate Change (link

    9. United Nations - Climate Change (link)

    10. NASA - Effects of Climate Change (link)  

    11. Climate Change and Society: Approaches and Responses (research paper

    12. United Nations - Climate Action (link

    13. United Nations Climate Change - The Paris Agreement (summary

    14. Global Citizen - 5 Things You Can Do in Response to Terrifying UN Climate Report (link

    Other sources 

    1. National Geographic - Climate Change: How to fix it (article

    2. Civil Society and the Integration of Climate Change Risks into Planning and Policy-making (report

     Solving problems from the ground up, support grassroots advocacy

    1. Britannica - Grassroots Advocacy (thesaurus

    2. Grassroots Associations (book)

    3. UNHCR - Grassroots organizations are just as important as seed money for innovation (link

    4. Unite for Sight - Module 2: Why Bottom-Up Instead of Top-Down (link

    5. Swedish International Center for Local Democracy - Organising grassroots initiatives for a more inclusive governance: Constructing the city from below (research report

    6. United Nations - Why Organized Grassroots Women Matter in the Sustainable Development of Rural Communities (article

    7. Mama Cash - Resourcing feminist movements (link

    8. Urbanet - New solutions to existing problems: The role of grassroots organizations in community development (link

    9. Scidevnet - Supporting grassroots innovation: Facts and Figures (link

    10. Grassroots Movements as Transnational Actors: Implications for Global Civil Society (research paper

    11. National Committee for responsible philanthropy - Cultivating the Grassroots: A Winning Approach for Environment and Climate Funders (report

    Women's rights are human rights

    1. Gender Inequality and Higher Education (research paper

    2. Gender inequality and restrictive gender norms: framing the challenges to health (research paper

    3. United Nations - Goal 5 (link

    4. Improving health with programmatic, legal, and policy approaches to reduce gender inequality and change restrictive gender norms (research paper

    5. European Union - The reality of intersectional factors in gender inequality (link

    6. UN Women - Intersectional feminism: what it means and why it matters right now (link)

    7.  WHO - Understanding and addressing violence against women (factsheet

    8. Worldbank Blogs - Examining the relationship between women’s empowerment and gender-based violence: The case of the Nigeria For Women Project (link

    9. European Institute for Gender Inequality - Femicide (link

    10. Role of Smartphones in Women Empowerment (research paper

    11. Worldbank Blogs - Empowering Women in the world (link

    12. Improving health with programmatic, legal, and policy approaches to reduce gender inequality and change restrictive gender norms (research paper

    13. Worldbank - Investing in Girls and Women’s Empowerment in and Beyond the Sahel (press release

    14. Women's Empowerment Principles (link)

    15. Women's Empowerment Principles (flyer

    16. Progress in women’s representation in top leadership weakens people’s disturbance with gender inequality in other domains (research paper

    17. WHO - Gender and Health (link

    18. WHO - Gender and Women's mental health (factsheet