Sources: Better treatment for Animals


Wildlife trade, exploitation in research, animal farming or the use of animals for entertainment are all threats to the physical and mental wellbeing of animals [1-4]. Welfare standards, when it comes to the treatment of animals, vary depending on geography and context and are highly debated amongst animal welfare groups, academics and legislative bodies [5,6].

Although most people can agree that animals should be treated humanely, the description of “humanely” varies for everyone, making global animal treatment monitoring a complex issue. 

Disturbing reports of the cruel treatment of animals are still frequent. As well as inhumane treatment of animals that might be considered “normal” in mainstream society.

Facts and Figures

  • Due to genetic manipulation, 90 percent of broiler chickens (chickens bred for meat production) have trouble walking [7].

  • Over 115 million animals are killed in laboratory experiments worldwide for chemical, drug, food, and cosmetics testing every year [7].

  • 96 percent of a circus animal’s life is spent in chains or cages [7].

  • 95 percent of pigs are raised on factory farms where they live in inhumane conditions [8]. 

  • One-third of parrot species are in danger of being extinct because of the exotic bird trade [9].

  • While wild female orcas can live to be more than 100 years old, orcas in captivity often die by the time they reach their teens [10].


There is a great need to set standards when it comes to how we treat animals that we use for our own benefit. We need to work on monitoring and global partnerships so that mistreating animals can have dire consequences. [12,13]. 

In order to implement the changes on how we treat animals, we need campaigning and education on animal welfare [12]. Through advocacy work, we can improve laws and implement internationally recognized certification schemes that will protect animals from unnecessary harm [14]. 

While looking out for animals, it’s important to recognise the human factor in the changes we seek.Finding alternative solutions that provide economic incentives will ensure the solutions are sustainable and benefit people as well as animals [15,16]. The organisations we picked for this appeal see improving how we treat animals as an issue that will also improve our lives as humans. Supporting this appeal means supporting a harmonious life.


  1. - Animal Welfare (link)

  2. Information Could Reduce Consumer Demand for Exotic Pets (research paper)

  3. Animal welfare and efficient farming: is conflict inevitable? (research paper)

  4. Zoo Animal Welfare (research paper)

  5. What is Animal Welfare and why is it important? (link)

  6. Institutional transparency improves public perception of lab animal technicians and support for animal research (research paper)

  7. DoSomething - 11 facts about animal cruelty (link)

  8. World Animal Protection - 7 Animal Cruelty Facts And What You Can Do to Change The Statistics (link)

  9. - 37 Deeply Disturbing Animal Abuse Statistics & Facts (link)

  10. PETA - Aquariums and Marine Parks (link)

  11. Animal welfare and efficient farming: is conflict inevitable? (research paper)

  12. Global Trade in Exotic Pets 2006–2012 (research paper)

  13. The Supply Chain’s Role in Improving Animal Welfare (research paper)

  14. Best practice framework for animal welfare certification schemes (research paper)

  15. Practical strategies for improving farm animal welfare: an information resource (research paper)

16. Improving Animal Welfare, 2nd Edition: A Practical Approach (book)