"My name is Rosa Anders. I’m 14 years old and I am afraid for my generation. I am afraid of the environmental chaos climate change will bring and how it will impact me and my peers' lives. I’m just a teenager so I don’t have the solutions to these major world problems, but I believe part of it lies in individual actions.
I am a member of the youth council of War Child. War Child is an organization that helps children who are or have been in a war. They do this by giving the children a safe place where they can play, get an education and psychological support.
I am not a child of war. On the contrary, I had a very safe and privileged childhood, so why am I on the council? I believe if policies are made for children, they should have a say about them too.
The youth council of War Child advises the organisation on policies. War Child is in the process of creating a youth council in each of the fifteen countries they are active in. This way, eventually there will be youth advising War Child around the world. Until then, since children at war can’t speak up directly, we — the free children — should do our part.
I was always interested in War Child and find what they do very important, and I always wanted to help them, but I never really knew how. I think this is a common issue that young people have. There are so many world problems that need to be solved: Child marriage, discrimination, war, climate change, the list does not end. But I don’t think we are helpless.
For example at War Child Netherlands, with the help of an external expert, we have been making a list of all the things we can do to save energy and make the building War Child operates in more sustainable. We put stickers on all the meat in the fridge, indicating how much water was used for its production and how much CO2 was emitted. We also added a Youth Council sticker asking to choose for alternatives to meat.
Any young person can join youth councils, collect money, participate in fundraising events, for example, The Dam Tot Damloop or Cityswim in the Netherlands. We can contribute to spreading the word about world issues and possible solutions by giving presentations in schools. It is very important to realize not everything is just for adults.
I think that if we all work together and everyone does something we can solve these world problems. I’m not saying that everyone has to be an activist, what I mean is that if everyone does something, and it doesn’t even have to be something big, then it helps. From making a donation to spending one day a month working at a charity, we can all contribute to make this world a better place.
Rosa "