We feel overwhelmed with all the information. Every problem becomes so visible and many causes seem equally important!
Social media plays a big role in this.
Confrontation, not understanding, and the feeling of helplessness makes us look away.
When put on the spot and asked to donate we feel trapped and try to find excuses - this is not how giving should be.
It is also very hard to switch charities or cancel your recurring donation.
It is often unclear how money is spent. News about salaries for management gets more coverage than the actual achieved goals and progress.
Feedback could be much more personal and frequent.
You are only thanked when you sign up, not monthly or when goals are achieved.
It should be easier. Easier:
- to understand
- to get started
- to inspire others to donate
- to switch between charities
- to feel thanked
- to be kept in the loop
And this is what Kinder will be focussing on. Disrupting the charity and donation space.
We are looking for:
- launching corporate partners
- talent (development, charity relations, business development,
- investors
Connect with us if you want to be a part of change.