Dear friend,
I was really surprised reading about how natural catastrophes hit women harder than men.
The Kinder team is taking on a "30 days zero waste challenge" and their daily updates are really transformative. There are many things I just haven't given that much thought to before and that really has changed thanks to the quirky blogs of Jasmine and Morgana. Have you, for instance, ever thought about theamount of waste created by something as simple as receipts? Did you know that shampoo is actually 80 percent water? Reading Jasmine and Morgana's journey made me realise how we take convenience over efficiency, resulting in unnecessary massive plastic consumption.
So, you should actually read'em all.
To finish, I enjoyed this potential recap of history from the Solarpunks perspective. A granddaughter of the first Solarpunks looks back to our day from 50 years in the future and reflects on how the world has changed for the better, thanks to finally harnessing the full potential of our sun.